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Ongoing Balkan Tensions


The Unresolved Ethnic Struggle

While Austria’s recent triumph may temporarily discourage the Balkan Slavs, the racial conflict is likely to resurface. Behind the small kingdom and the Slav principality of Montenegro stands the mighty Empire of Russia. Once Russia overcomes its setbacks in the Far East and resolves internal dissensions National Ambitions and Balkan Politics, it is expected to offer moral support and possibly military assistance to the cause of the southern Slavs.

Thus, the Balkan Question remains an unsolved problem, unaffected by recent events, unless it introduces Austria as another contender in the racial struggle for Southeastern Europe.

Military Convention Between Bulgaria and Greece

Article 1

In case Greece, in accordance with the obligations outlined in the alliance and defense treaty signed in Sofia on May 16, 1912, between Bulgaria and Greece, takes military

National Ambitions and Balkan Politics


At the signing of the Treaty of Berlin, Austria gained influence over Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Bulgaria fell under the presumed influence of Russia. The current situation in the Balkans hasn’t altered this balance between the two empires. While there may be little objection from the powers on this matter, the methods employed by Austria and Bulgaria have stirred discontent among European governments, causing initial grumbling and complaints that have since subsided. Europe has, nevertheless Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria’s Assertiveness, given its approval to acts that highlight the ineffectiveness of the Treaty of Berlin in restraining political actions in the Balkan Peninsula.

Southeastern Europe revolve

The enduring causes of unrest in Southeastern Europe revolve around the national ambitions and animosities among the region’s diverse races. Cavour’s assertion that nationality i

Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria’s Assertiveness


The Austrian government’s proclamation of the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina without the consent of other powers directly violated the Treaty of Berlin. However, the move aligned with the spirit of the treaty, which had practically transferred sovereignty to Austria-Hungary in 1878 due to Turkey’s mismanagement. The Young Turks’ revolution in 1908, providing a constitution to the Ottoman Empire Ongoing Balkan Tensions, empowered Bosnians and Herzegovinians to demand the restoration of full sovereignty to reformed Turkey, backed by representation in the Constantinople parliament and local self-government. Baron von Aerenthal’s independent action in annexing without prior notice or waiting for consent reflected uncertainty about potential opposition from the Bosnians and Herzegovinians and the powers in a congress on restoring Turkish authority.

Bulgaria faced a similar situation with Eastern Rumelia. While t

Discovering Perge


A Glimpse into Pamphylia’s Higher Site

“Perge, a remarkable archaeological site situated 17 km east of Antalya Centrum, is often hailed as ‘the higher site’ of Pamphylia. This open-air museum, steeped in history, unfolds its treasures behind a captivating Hellenistic gate. The remnants include a 250-meter street adorned with columns, an agora (shopping center), a triumphal arch, a monumental fountain, a graveyard, a basilica, a bath, a 12,000-seat theater, and Anatolia’s best-preserved stadium. Notably, statues unearthed in Perge, now showcased in the Antalya Museum, contribute to making it one of ‘the richest Roman statue museums globally Unlocking Adana’s Tourism Potential.’

The Symbolic Columned Street and Hellenistic Gate

The iconic Columned Street, stretching 250 meters, and the Hellenistic Gate with a round tower stand out as the crowning jewels of Perge.

Unlocking Adana’s Tourism Potential


Insights from Nesrin Gokhan, Owner of Next Tour Tourism and Travel Agency

“Adana, with its rich history, is a region where significant civilizations have thrived for centuries. To fully tap into this potential, local administrations and social organizations should develop tourism projects and present them to investors. Here are key investment proposals:

Establishing a Golf Center in Adana-Karataş Region

Create a second golf center in Turkey by transforming Adana-Karataş into a golfing hub, modeled after Antalya-Belek. This region could host World Golf Championship competitions, activating tourism.

Promoting Akyatan Natural Park for Birdwatching Tours

Position Lake Akyatan Natural Park, known as a Bird’s Paradise, for ‘birdwatching tours,’ a significant segment in ‘hobby tourism.’ Enhance landscaping to attract enthusiasts.

Realizing the Exhibition Area Project

Act on the Exhibition Area proj

Shaping Adana’s Tourism Landscape

Insights from Erol Altun, Aqualand Director, and the General Manager of Seyhan Hotel

A Catalyst for Regional Tourism

“In ’98, the region lacked tourism investments, not just in Adana but throughout. Aqualand was established to address this gap, influencing Iskenderun, Hatay, Mersin, Tarsus, Antakya, and Adana. Aqualand serves as a daily holiday village, meeting the needs of the city’s residents. Over the past three years, our efforts, along with agencies, have attracted Middle Eastern tourists, particularly from Damascus, Beirut, and Aleppo Discovering Perge. We’ve become a preferred stop for Arab tourist groups, offering entertainment before they head to Mersin. Our jazz club competes with those in Istanbul, boasting 12 musicians. Additionally, we feature a tennis club with five courts.”

Emphasizing the Need for Belief and Effort in Adana’s Tourism Potential

“Adana must str

Exploring Bergama’s Treasures


Temples, Museums, and Ancient Altars

Kizil Avlu (Serapis Temple) A Marvel in Red Bricks

Built in 244 A.C. by Roman Emperor Hadrianus as an offering to the Egyptian god Serapis, Kizil Avlu, or “The Scarlet Courtyard,” stands out among the seven churches mentioned in the Bible. Its 19-meter high walls, constructed with vibrant red bricks, were meticulously transported by hand from brick kilns 15 kilometers away along the shores of Bakircay. Notably, the temple’s entrance boasts the region’s largest marble block, making it a unique and historic structure Discovering Bergama.

Bergama Archaeological Museum

The Bergama Archaeological Museum houses an array of artifacts spanning the Glazed Stone Age, Early Bronze Age, Archaic, Classic, Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods. Its ethnographical section showcases regional carpets, fabrics, kilims, and various handicrafts. The museum’s court

Discovering Bergama


Where History Unfolds

Bergama’s Historical Tapestry

Bergama, known as the cradle of psychotherapy and the birthplace of parchment, welcomes visitors with a rich history that once hosted Lydians, Persians, and Greeks. The city’s name, derived from Pergamos or Pergamum, meaning “castle,” has deep roots in mythology. The renowned hero Achilles’ grandson, Pergamon, fled Greece, triumphed in a duel against Kir and Areos in Anatolia, and established the city atop Acropolis Hill, naming it after himself. Positioned at the confluence of Bakircay and the sea, Bergama gradually shifted inland over time due to substantial sedimentation.

The Parchment Saga

Eumenes II, King of Bergama, erected the Royal Library, once among the ancient world’s largest libraries. A fierce competition with Alexandria Library led to an embargo on papyrus, pushing the people of Bergama to seek alternative materials. This quest resulted in the disco

Dive into Kas


An Underwater Wonderland

World-Class Diving Schools

Ka§ proudly stands as one of the world’s premier diving centers, hosting 13 schools with dedicated and reliable trainers. Diving enthusiasts worldwide flock to Kas, seeking the thrill of exploring the depths, where the hues transition from turquoise to blue and azure.

Unveiling Ancient Shipwrecks

The depths surrounding Ka§ reveal the commercial life of the ancient world through sunken wrecks. Notably, the Bodrum Museum displays the oldest recovered shipwreck from Uluburun. Kas offers a unique world featuring both ancient and modern wrecks Exploring Bergama’s Treasures, along with natural caves that create numerous diving spots. Notable caves include Hidrellez, Bayindir, Mavi Magara (Blue Cave), Guvercinlik Ini, and İncirli.

Soar with Slope Parachuting

Experience the sensation of flying with slope parachute courses in Ka§,

Exploring Corum’s 7000-Year History


A Journey Through Time

Corum A Cultural Bridge Between East and West

Corum, with its 7000-year-long history, stands as a significant gateway between Central Anatolia and the Black Sea regions. The city embodies a cultural bridge that connects the East to the West.

The Oldest Peace Treaty Kadesh Treaty

The “Kadesh Treaty,” discovered in the excavations in Bogazkoy in 1906, is a historic agreement between the Hittites and Egyptians, two prominent civilizations. Carved on clay tablets, this treaty is recognized as the world’s oldest international peace treaty. A copy of the Kadesh Treaty is proudly exhibited in the New York office of the United Nations Read More about Exploring Ottoman Traditions The Role of Bathhouses.

Corum Museum A Time Capsule of Ages

Originally constructed as a health school in 1914, the Corum Museum exemplifies 19th-century archi
