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The Divided Horsecloth part 5

The eldest of these brothers had a daughter, but the mother of the maid was dead. Now this damsel owned in Paris a certain...

The Divided Horsecloth part 4

For very greatly are those loved and esteemed by their fellows who are courteous in speech` and address. He who has fair words in...

The Divided Horsecloth part 3

Bernier (12th or 13th Century, a.d.) Nothing is known of the author of this story except his name, which is signed on the MS. The Divided...

The Divided Horsecloth part 2

With the opening of the Seventeenth Century the short story was overshadowed by the drama and the long-winded sentimental ro¬mance, although such writers as...

The Divided Horsecloth part 1

France There are probably more short stories, as there is assuredly a longer and more continuous development of the form, in the French than in...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 4

Upon this the men of physic again consulted, and at length came to the resolution of pocketing their fees, “secundum artem.” Being all of...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 3

“You cannot be serious,” said the first speaker. “By St. Comus, I know something of ulcers; and here, I maintain it, we have a...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 2

He was obeyed; and, oh, charity! how didst thou shame those lordly prelates who think Heaven in debt to them, if they do but...

Guzman and my Lord Cardinal part 1

Mateo Aleman (1547 – 1614) Little is known of Aleman, though it is stated that he was a native of Seville and was employed in...

The Selfish Giant part 4

“It is your garden now, little children,” said the Giant, and he took a great axe and knocked down the wall. And when the...

Turkish Bath


Ongoing Balkan Tensions