The Disabled Soldier Part 3
I had some dis-position to be a scholar, and was resolved at least to know my letters: but the master of the workhouse put...
The Disabled Soldier Part 2
With what indignation do I hear an Ovid, a Cicero or a Rabutin complain of their misfortunes and hardships, whose greatest calamity was that...
The Disabled Soldier Part 1
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774)
Goldsmith`s family were Irish people of English descent. Oliver Goldsmith was born in County Longford, Ireland. He went to Trinity College, Dublin,...
The Shipwreck of Simonides 2
A lerned man has always a fund of riches in himself.
Simonides, who wrote such excellent lyric poems, the more easily to support his poverty,...
The Prodigal Son 1
The Prodigal Son (From the New Testament, Luke XV)
The prodigal is a parable, spoken by Jesus in praise of forgiveness. It is one of...
The Jewish Mother 1
Biblical Literature
It is not surprising that the stories scattered so profusely through the Bible, the Apocrypha, and the Talmud, should be mostly moral tales....
The History of Susanna 1
The History of Susanna (From The Apocrypha)
Susanna was originally a part of the Book of Daniel, but was set apart as apocryphal, because it...
The Dove and the Crow 2
But the crow insisted. Matters of personal interest and friendship, he said, are decided by our inclination. We do not consider distance or the...
The Ass in the Lion`s Skin 2
Nothing whatsoever is known of the author or authors of the particular collection from which this story is taken. It is reprinted from Buddhist...
Orpheus and Eurydice 2
Bloodless spirits
As he spoke and touched the strings of his lyre, the bloodless spirits wept. Tantalus no longer caught at the retreating water; the...