War with the Scyths part 12
Now in the ancient historians, no mention is made of a Hunnish army ever having come there, but during the Emperor Alexius’ reign the...
War with the Scyths part 11
Now the chieftains of the Scythians were minded to put the prisoners they held to death, but the majority of the people absolutely refused...
War with the Scyths part 10
IV During the flight of the defeated troops that day Palaeologus was knocked off his horse and lost it; while standing helpless and well...
War with the Scyths part 9
After saying this and encouraging the others, he was the first to dash like a firebrand upon the Scythians and struck at the first...
War with the Scyths part 8
The Emperor had advanced in front of his own army and stood sword in hand; with the other he held up as a standard...
War with the Scyths part 7
The Emperor who was very adventurous and liked to be the first to start a battle, did not take into consideration the arguments of...
War with the Scyths part 6
Accordingly he set to work, invested the town on all sides, and after breaking down one side of the walls, he entered with his...
War with the Scyths part 5
If, however, no sign appears, I shall stand convicted of having been wrong in my surmise.”Before two hours had passed, the light of the...
War with the Scyths part 4
And later he devoted himself to history, and at the suggestion of my mistress mother, I mean the Empress Irene, he composed a work...
War with the Scyths part 3
The floor of this room was paved with marbles and the walls were panelled with it but not with ordinary sorts nor even with...