War with the Scyths part 2
II In this manner, then, the Scythians were driven out from the districts round Macedonia and Philippopolis, but they returned and encamped beside the...
War with the Scyths part 1
War with the Scyths (1087-90)
I at the approach of spring Tzelgu (the supreme commander of the Scythian army) crossed the passes above the Danube...
Second Battle with Heresy part 34
Isangeles he liked especially because of his superior wisdom and genuine sincerity and purity of life, also because he recognized that he valued truth...
Second Battle with Heresy part 33
Bohemund was overjoyed and after thanking for the present he went away to rest in the house where he lodged. But when these treasures...
Second Battle with Heresy part 32
Nor was he wrong in his surmise. For that dreadful Bohemund not only refrained from tasting the viands at all, or even touching them...
Second Battle with Heresy part 31
XI So much then about Godfrey and Raoul and the others who accompanied them. Now when Bohemund reached Apros with the other Counts, he...
Second Battle with Heresy part 30
As they would not obey, for they were expecting Bohemund to arrive, but found various means of evasion by continually making some fresh demands,...
Second Battle with Heresy part 29
Now the Emperor in his great prudence reflected that if they joined Godfrey and related what had happened to them, the latter would be...
Second Battle with Heresy part 28
Directly the Latins caught sight of them, without waiting even a minute or asking what they wanted, they betook themselves to battle and fighting....
Second Battle with Heresy part 27
With such strength he stretched his bow, and with such swiftness he sent his arrows that in archery he appeared to excel even Teucer...