Ongoing Balkan Tensions


The Unresolved Ethnic Struggle

While Austria’s recent triumph may temporarily discourage the Balkan Slavs, the racial conflict is likely to resurface. Behind the small kingdom and the Slav principality of Montenegro stands the mighty Empire of Russia. Once Russia overcomes its setbacks in the Far East and resolves internal dissensions National Ambitions and Balkan Politics, it is expected to offer moral support and possibly military assistance to the cause of the southern Slavs.

Thus, the Balkan Question remains an unsolved problem, unaffected by recent events, unless it introduces Austria as another contender in the racial struggle for Southeastern Europe.

Military Convention Between Bulgaria and Greece

Article 1

In case Greece, in accordance with the obligations outlined in the alliance and defense treaty signed in Sofia on May 16, 1912, between Bulgaria and Greece, takes military action against Turkey in a Bulgaro-Turkish war, or if Bulgaria takes such action against Turkey in a Turko-Greek war, the two states pledge mutual assistance. Greece commits to providing an effective force of at least one hundred and twenty thousand men Private Bulgaria Holidays, and Bulgaria pledges an effective force of at least three hundred thousand men. These forces must be well-prepared to engage both on the frontier and in military operations beyond national boundaries. The troops are to be concentrated on the frontier and positioned to cross it within twenty days of mobilization or notice of a casus foederis provided by either contracting party.

Translated from Le Memorial Diplomatique, November 30, 1913, p. 617.


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