The Story in it part 6


It was in fact Mrs. Blessingbourne, who had under her arm the book she had gone up for a pair of covers that this time showed a pretty, a candid blue. She was followed next minute by the servant, who brought in tea, the consumption of which, with the passage of greetings, inquiries and other light civilities between the two visitors, occupied a quarter of an hour.

Mrs. Dyott meanwhile, as a contribution to so much amenity, mentioned to Maud that her fellow-guest wished to scold her for the books she read a statement met by this friend with the remark that he must first be sure about them. But as soon as he had picked up the new volume he broke out into a frank “Dear, dear!” “Have you read that too?” Mrs. Dyott inquired. “How much you`ll have to talk over together! The other one,” she explained to him, “Maud speaks of as terribly tame.”

“Ah, I must have that out with her! You don`t feel the extraordinary force of the fellow?” Voyt went on to Mrs. Blessingbourne.

Mainly Gazing

And so, round the hearth, they talked talked soon, while they warmed their toes, with zest enough to make it seem as happy a chance as any of the quieter opportunities their imprisonment might have involved. Mrs. Blessingbourne did feel, it then appeared, the force of the fellow, but she had her reserves and reactions, in which Voyt was much interested. Mrs. Dyott rather detached herself, mainly gazing, as she leaned back, at the fire; she intervened, however, enough to relieve Maud of the sense of being listened to.

That sense, with Maud, was too apt to convey that one was listened to for a fool. “Yes, when I read a novel I mostly read a French one,” she had said to Voyt in answer to a question about her usual practice; “for I seem with it to get hold more of the real thing to get more life for my money. Only I`m not so infatuated with them but that sometimes for months and months on end I don`t read any fiction at all.”

The two books were now together beside them. “Then when you begin again you read a mass?”

“Dear, no. I only keep up with three or four authors.”

He laughed at this over the cigarette he had been allowed to light.

“I like your `keeping up,` and keeping up in particular with `authors.` ” “One must keep up with somebody,” Mrs. Dyott threw off.

“I dare say I`m ridiculous,” Mrs. Blessingbourne conceded without heeding it; “but that`s the way we express ourselves in my part of the country.”

Read More about History of Bulgaria part 10


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